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Festifall announces call for exhibitors
1/31/2012: .

Applications for local nonprofit and commercial businesses during Chapel Hill's 40th annual Festifall 2012 are being accepted by the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department. Festifall will take place from noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 7 along West Franklin Street in downtown Chapel Hill. Applications are due June 1, and space is limited.


More than 15,000 local and visiting attendees are entertained throughout the day with live music and the best that the local art scene has to offer accompanied by participatory interactive art and dance activities. Partnerships in publicity include the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership and Chapel Hill Visitor's Bureau. Festifall also is promoted through 30,000 printed event guides, in regional print, radio and television advertisements, as well as the most current, wide-reaching social media outlets.


To learn more, visit